Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yesterday's events

It was 5:30 a.m. and through the monitor I heard Mikaela whimpering in her sleep. I went in, put the bink in her mouth and she seemed to settle. When she woke up at 6:30, she seemed a bit fussy. And for those of you who know this girl, she is never fussy. I thought maybe she was extra hungry. I fed her and she was guzzling it a bit more than usual. She gave me two burps and we had about 2 ounces left and she started throwing up. UGH! I thought these days were over. I have been lulled into a false sense of security since she hasn't thrown up since March!

It is so heartbreaking! It comes out her nose, she can't catch her breath, she cries. It is just terrible. She threw up all six ounces she had eaten. She lost the color in her face and lips - like at 5 weeks. I rinsed off her arms and legs in the sink and wrapped her in a big beach towel and just held her. She fell asleep pretty quickly after that. She slept for about an hour and a half and woke up happy, with color in her lips and back to her old self. I gave her Pedialyte for the next feeding. Then slowly gave her formula later as the day progressed.

Didn't bother to take her to the doctors. The three times I took her in March, they had nothing to offer except changes to formula. Even though they didn't think it was an allergic reaction. I agree. I don't believe it is allergies either. I do have a theory for what is going on. I think her bowels are still not mature enough to handle anything other than this Alimentum stuff. To be honest, I had given Mikaela a tiny amount of sweet potatoes three times this week. I am talking like a two teaspoons at most each time. On Tuesday, she didn't have any, but Wednesday, she got sick. Maybe since she had surgery at 3 months old, maybe those first three months, her bowels weren't maturing like other infants do. Maybe her bowels are only the equivalent to four months old. And at four months, most moms don't give sweet potatoes. might be thinking why didn't I give her cereal...I did...last month....she threw that up too! But that she threw up as I was feeding it to her. Not days afterwards - like her body couldn't process it. She threw up the cereal because she didn't like it! :-) change the subject....

I want to share this link with all of you. I have emailed it out before, but I want it to be here on the blog for as long as the website has it up. This is the Deaf Performing Artist Network performing John Mayer's song Waiting on the World to Change and I absolutely LOVE this! Please take the three minutes and watch it through. Let me know your thoughts on it.

I still plan to blog about the cochlear implant. Soon.....just not today.

1 comment:

tammy said...

My name is Tammy and am a mom to Aiden, my 3 month old who has been diagnosed with bilateral profound hearing loss. I found your site through the Yahoo CICircle group. I would love to stay in contact! Your story is similar to ours, yet it seems you have had a lot more bumps in your road so far! Bless your heart! We are also going through all the formula changes etc., and may have an upcoming surgery not to do with his hearing loss, so it seems like it is one thing after the other. I want to scream out can I just deal with the hearing loss right now?! But, God has a plan for all of us, and I guess this is part of His plan for our children! Feel free to visit our blog and again, I would love to stay in contact through our journeys! I have found keeping in touch with other families with deaf children has really helped me!

Take care!

PS - You have beautiful children!